Monday, March 19, 2012

Social Media

What is social media you may ask? Well, social media is website’s such as facebook, twitter, my space , and many many others. But there is a lot of ups and downs about they’s amazing websites. I will be talking a little about what I think of they’s internet hits!
From my point of view, I think websites like Twitter, Facebook and my space are awesome! They are really good for making new friends and connecting with old ones! But like I said, They’s websites have their ups and downs! Face book can be used for really bad things too. Facebook gives so much information that anyone in the world can go to your wall and see where you live, what kind things you like to do, But also they can find out your phone number and all of your personal information.
There is more then one bad thing about they’s social media sites. For a fact, if one of the people you know sees it. Maybe the kid that you got into a fight with at the dance last weekend sees it and starts printing off all of your info! Or maybe the kid that you pushed down the stairs at schools brother sees it and he starts doing bad things to you at your own home. That’s some of the reasons why they"s social media sites are not that good.
Everything about these websites are not bad at all though. I have a friend who lives in the states and I never get to see him. He has facebook and now we talk all the time! We can share pictures over facebook. Or when my brothers gone away to Florida, we can keep in touch and he can send me pictures of the resorts he is staying in. This is some of the reasons why they’s social media sites can be really helpful!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Fill in da blank's!

1. I wouldn't eat after that two-year-old if I were you.
Inference: The two-year-old probably did something gross to the food you were
about to eat, or has a cold and you could catch it. Something bad will
happen to you if you eat it because he "I wouldn't" sounds like a

2. For Valentine’s Day, my fantastic neighbor gave his wife a poem that took him
about two seconds to write. Sheesh.

Inference: My neighbor is not very considerate since he didn't take his time
writing the poem, the text clue that led me to this decision was the
"Sheesh". People usually say "Sheesh" when they are annoyed or

3. A man ran after a retreating bus, waving his briefcase frantically.
Inference: He just robbed a bank and took 50 million dollars in gold bar's and he need's a ride to Mexico
4. If she died, I wouldn’t go to her funeral.
Inference: Ex wife that he dosent want to see or meet up with.
5. Jake almost wished that he hadn’t listened to the radio. He went to the closet
and grabbed his umbrella even though he would feel silly carrying it to the bus
stop on such a sunny morning.

Inference:It was a rainy day and he was scared to get all wet.                                                                      Hey! What happened to all the school construction money taken from the
taxpayers? It paid for this toilet the money was flushed down.

Inference:It was a toilet that was worth 7,500                                                                                               7. As you give a speech in front of a large audience, you realize that people are
laughing behind their hands and pointing to the region below your waist.

Inference: He had weird skinny jeans on and no one liked them.
8. No, Honey, I don’t want you to spend a lot of money on my birthday present. Just
having you for a husband is the only gift I need. In fact, I’ll just drive my
old rusty bucket of bolts down to the mall and buy myself a little present. And
if the poor old car doesn't break down, I’ll be back soon.

Inference: She want's him to buy her a brand new care because she does not like the one she has.               9. A woman walks into a hospital clutching her abdomen and cursing out her husband,
who trails behind her carrying a large bag.

Inference;Shes in a lot of pain.
10. You're driving on the highway, listening to the radio, and a police officer
pulls you over.

Inference: You got charged for DUI.

Part 2

Underneath your work for part 1, copy and paste a minimum of 3 of the photos displayed below. Please be sure to include a written inference to accompany each of the photographs.

After you have completed that, you are done!! Give yourself a pat on the back, and take some time to visit your classmates' blogs to see their inferences

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Julius Caesar

Julius Caesar was a roman genral, and a Statesman. In 60 BC, Caesar formed a poiltical alliance that was to dominate roman politics for several year's. Their attempts to amass power through populist tactics were opposed by the conservative elite within the roman senate.among them cato the younger with the frequent support of cicero.Ordered by the Senate to stand trial in Rome for various charges.Caesar marched from Gaul to Italy with his legions, crossing the rubicon in 49 BC. This sparked a civil war from which he emerged as the unrivaled leader of the Roman world.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Montreal Massacre !

The thing that suprised me the most was when he told the men to go out side and then he told the women to stay inside. After that he started yelling things's, Then started shooting all the women. He killed him self after he shot all the women because he knew he was going to get Death Row anyway's.The man's name was Marc Lépine And the school that he was in was called École Polytechnique.  I discovered that the man was useing a 22 caliber rifel and murdered 14 girl's with it. One of the girls that got shot in the head lived because the bullet only hit her ear. He also hurt some men that were in the room at that time. The effects of the massacre was that there is now a day to remember the day when all of them people were shot and killed.        Parliament declared Dec. 6 the National Day of Action and Remembrance on Violence Against Women. 

Monday, November 28, 2011

Light house

This lighthouse is the last place you will ever want to go. The reason why is it was once a horrible place a masked murder once lived. This masked killer killed one third of the whole population of the whole town. I see it and i wonder how could this person do this to these poor people in this small town.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Kingston Astronaut

After working in industry for five years, Feustel was selected as astronaut candidate by NASA in July 2000. In August 2002, he began NASA's two-year training program, training as a misson's captain. He is currently assigned to the Astronaut Office Space Shuttle and Space Station Branches, where he  has been serving in technical support assignments.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

The shape of a girl

The Shape of a girl is a highly accessible show for teens that looks at the realities of teenage relationships and bullying.  A Girl Named Braidie, a girl in grade 10, came across on the television about a murder about a group of teenagers and a younger girl. Braidie is tied up with bullying and doesn't know what to do. As Braidie lives life, see's that her classmate and her friend are part of a bullying act, Braidie tries to figure out a way to stop the victim being hurt.Trying to live a normal life Braidie gets caught in drama and bullying, but see's it needs to stop.