Monday, November 28, 2011

Light house

This lighthouse is the last place you will ever want to go. The reason why is it was once a horrible place a masked murder once lived. This masked killer killed one third of the whole population of the whole town. I see it and i wonder how could this person do this to these poor people in this small town.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Kingston Astronaut

After working in industry for five years, Feustel was selected as astronaut candidate by NASA in July 2000. In August 2002, he began NASA's two-year training program, training as a misson's captain. He is currently assigned to the Astronaut Office Space Shuttle and Space Station Branches, where he  has been serving in technical support assignments.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

The shape of a girl

The Shape of a girl is a highly accessible show for teens that looks at the realities of teenage relationships and bullying.  A Girl Named Braidie, a girl in grade 10, came across on the television about a murder about a group of teenagers and a younger girl. Braidie is tied up with bullying and doesn't know what to do. As Braidie lives life, see's that her classmate and her friend are part of a bullying act, Braidie tries to figure out a way to stop the victim being hurt.Trying to live a normal life Braidie gets caught in drama and bullying, but see's it needs to stop.

Into the wild - Digtal book talk

My group and I are reading Into the wild , There is a movie and a book about . My self I have already seen both the movie and read the book ! It is about a man who has a very good paying job and he wants to get away from all of his parents wealth. So he gives 35,000$ dollars all to charity and he burns the money that he has in his pocket and then he burns his car and all his items.

Remembrance Day

Remembrance day to me . Remembrance day means to me a day that you honor your people and your soilders who went all around the world to fight for your freedom and your city! If it wasnt for our soilders we wouldent be were we are today! Thanks to them we dont have to worry about the safty of our family or your self.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


The other day i went hunting out at my cottage. i  usally go hunting for ducks and geese and sometimes deer and moose. Most of the time we give the meat away to other people that really need the food. We help the ducks and geese by feeding them the day befor. We also help out foundation's to help the fucks and geese.