Wednesday, November 23, 2011

The shape of a girl

The Shape of a girl is a highly accessible show for teens that looks at the realities of teenage relationships and bullying.  A Girl Named Braidie, a girl in grade 10, came across on the television about a murder about a group of teenagers and a younger girl. Braidie is tied up with bullying and doesn't know what to do. As Braidie lives life, see's that her classmate and her friend are part of a bullying act, Braidie tries to figure out a way to stop the victim being hurt.Trying to live a normal life Braidie gets caught in drama and bullying, but see's it needs to stop.

1 comment:

  1. Sheldon, please revisit our classroom blog and reread this assignment. You are missing many parts of it. When you have completed this assignment, please leave a comment under the assignment post.
