Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Montreal Massacre !

The thing that suprised me the most was when he told the men to go out side and then he told the women to stay inside. After that he started yelling things's, Then started shooting all the women. He killed him self after he shot all the women because he knew he was going to get Death Row anyway's.The man's name was Marc Lépine And the school that he was in was called École Polytechnique.  I discovered that the man was useing a 22 caliber rifel and murdered 14 girl's with it. One of the girls that got shot in the head lived because the bullet only hit her ear. He also hurt some men that were in the room at that time. The effects of the massacre was that there is now a day to remember the day when all of them people were shot and killed.        Parliament declared Dec. 6 the National Day of Action and Remembrance on Violence Against Women. 

1 comment:

  1. Sheldon, you discovered quite a bit about the Montreal Massacre through your research. I would like to see your writing be better organized. Please add a first paragraph, of a description of the massacre. Leave a space between each paragraph. Your second paragraph is already there, you need to better format it (delete large spaces between sentences). Leave another space between paragraph 2 and 3. Please take your last sentence, break it into two, and make it your last paragraph.
