Monday, March 19, 2012

Social Media

What is social media you may ask? Well, social media is website’s such as facebook, twitter, my space , and many many others. But there is a lot of ups and downs about they’s amazing websites. I will be talking a little about what I think of they’s internet hits!
From my point of view, I think websites like Twitter, Facebook and my space are awesome! They are really good for making new friends and connecting with old ones! But like I said, They’s websites have their ups and downs! Face book can be used for really bad things too. Facebook gives so much information that anyone in the world can go to your wall and see where you live, what kind things you like to do, But also they can find out your phone number and all of your personal information.
There is more then one bad thing about they’s social media sites. For a fact, if one of the people you know sees it. Maybe the kid that you got into a fight with at the dance last weekend sees it and starts printing off all of your info! Or maybe the kid that you pushed down the stairs at schools brother sees it and he starts doing bad things to you at your own home. That’s some of the reasons why they"s social media sites are not that good.
Everything about these websites are not bad at all though. I have a friend who lives in the states and I never get to see him. He has facebook and now we talk all the time! We can share pictures over facebook. Or when my brothers gone away to Florida, we can keep in touch and he can send me pictures of the resorts he is staying in. This is some of the reasons why they’s social media sites can be really helpful!

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